The admissions process is started by a referral from a local authority.
If the school feels we can meet the pupil’s needs, then they and their family/carers would visit the school.
The local authority then take this consultation to panel for approval.
Most pupils would have an Education Health and Care plan or be in the process of getting one.
All admissions and referrals are subject to:
- Availability of space
- EHC Plan or Statement of special educational needs
- Support of the local education authority making the referral
- Active support and participation from the parent or carer
- A belief that we can help the pupil and that they wish to attend.
- Referrals are usually initiated by the Education Department or the Social Services Department of the Local Authority seeking a placement. Parents and Carers are welcome to visit before papers are submitted.
For a pupil to be considered, the Senior Leadership Team need to receive the following documentation:
- The EHC Plan or Statement of Special Educational Needs
- Recent Educational Psychologist reports
- Current levels of educational attainment (SATS, standardised tests)
- Most recent education report
- Social history of the pupil
- Any relevant Social Services involvement
- Medical conditions and notice of any necessary additional input (e.g. OT, SaLT etc)
- Details and description of any relevant behaviour patterns
Pupil Activities
Ofsted rated - Outstanding Provider

The school is held in high regard by parents and carers. They feel that this school has made a significant difference to their children’s behaviour, well-being and happiness…
Parents Views
" J has made amazing progress this year, I have never seen him so happy to attend school even
complaining when he was sick, because he wanted to go in... "
" The school is excellent at keeping me informed about D’s daily progress. I get detailed emails whenever there is a significant triumph or achievement or if something challenging has happened. This is an excellent school with excellent staff who are completely committed to their pupils. D loves it!! It has been a great relief to me to see how well he is progressing... "
" M absolutely loves coming to this school despite the long cab ride in. It will be hard having him
move schools because of location, I have cried many nights over this, but because of his severe ASD,
I will break it to him over the holiday... "
" P is now so much better at home, helping out and doing well back in mainstream. Thank you for
giving me my son back... "
" The support and knowledge in dealing with behaviour problems is incredible! Even when as a
parent I’m feeling overwhelmed, the school are there to lend a helping hand. My oldest boy
attended and now my oldest girl is attending. I wish all my children could attend... "